Friday, March 30, 2012

Apartment Company MN - BSL Real Estate

Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is looking to be your apartment company for the Twin Cities area. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder and is located in the western suburb of Wayzata, Minnesota. Travis is an experienced realtor holding onto more than 10 years of experience working in the Twin Cities real estate market. This is why BSL Real Estate is the best place in the Twin Cities to help you find the apartment of your dreams. Check out our website by clicking here,

The big cities can be well known for having amazing apartments with luxurious amenities. If you are looking for that luxurious apartment in the big city, say Minneapolis or St. Paul, then you have come to the right place. The Twin Cities has much to offer to anyone who wishes to live there. There are the immense amount of activities to keep you occupied, the job opportunities, and the outdoor lifestyle. Apartments can be the best choice for you for many reasons. They usually offer very convenient locations in proximity to surrounding attractions. They can also come in very different sizes, varying floor plans, and differing amenities. This is why there is something out there for everyone when it comes to Twin Cities apartments.

If you have decided that an apartment, whether in the big city or in the surrounding suburbs, is the best move for you then let us be a part of your search. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate holds onto a working knowledge of the Twin Cities real estate market so you know you are getting the best real estate for the best price. We prefer to work very closely with our clients to ensure that we are utilizing our resources in the best way possible to help your search become a grand success! But don't just take my word for it, check out what some previous clients of ours have said about their experience with us by reading their testimonials.

Now back to your amazing apartment downtown. Travis would like to be a part of your journey and help show you different apartments that he believes would be perfect for you based on your wants and needs in your new home. Now many people are looking for apartments in the cities for different reasons. Some may be looking for a luxurious weekend home, maybe an apartment within walking distance from work, or maybe even an apartment close to some of your favorite hobbies. Whatever your reasons may be, we can take those into consideration when finding potential apartments for you. But ultimately the choice is yours! We are here to help you in whatever way we can be of assistance but ultimately you choose your destination, your new home. So if you are serious about finding the apartment of your dreams in the Twin Cities area, then make sure you get in contact with us. Travis Senenfelder can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Minnetonka Property Manager - Travis Senenfelder

Minnetonka, Minnesota is a city that has a lot to offer its residents, this is why homes in Minnetonka can become in high demand very quickly. Learn a little more about the great city of Minnetonka by reading some useful information and facts that we have compiled on our website by clicking here. Some homeowners of real estate in the Minnetonka area may want to rent out their existing home when moving, rather than selling the home. Some benefits of this could be that in the long run they could end up making a much more of a profit. If they rent out the home now while the housing market is not in its prime, then they would be collecting an income off of the home. Then once the housing market is in a much better place, they would be able to sell the home for a much higher price. The only issue here is who is going to manage the property?

This is where Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management comes into the equation. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder and is located in Wayzata, Minnesota. Travis has been working in the Twin Cities real estate market for over 10 years now, turning him into a very polished and professional realtor. Travis is just the guy to help you get started with managing your property. But before you begin renting out your property there are a few things that you should consider. First off, you may want to ask yourself why you are looking to lease your property? This can help you decide many other factors in the process like how long you are wanting to rent it out and so on. Another question you should ask yourself is what you are looking to gain from this experience? And lastly, how are you going to end your rental stage? Do you have an exit strategy? These are all things that should be considered before making the decision to finally rent out your real estate. But if you are having issues answering any of these questions, Travis is more than willing to work with you and help you decide is this is what is right for you.

Now once you have decided that renting out your property is the right move for you then you are going to need to pick a package with Travis that suits your needs best. Travis has three different packages that you may choose from in order to allow your desired amount of involvement with the properties management. Check out what these three different options are by clicking here. Now the last step is yours to take. Whether you have a home you wish to rent out in Minnetonka, or anywhere in the Twin Cities for that matter, Travis Senenfelder is here to make it happen. So take this opportunity to get in contact with him and get started working on this project. Travis can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Rental Properties in Edina - BSL Real Estate

Ever considered working with rental properties? Maybe living in a rental? Or maybe being the one renting out the property? Well if you answered yes to any of the previous questions then I have solutions for you with Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management. BSL Real Estate is owned and operated by real estate agent and is located in Wayzata, Minnesota, a western suburb of the Twin Cities. Travis Senenfelder holds onto more than10 years if experience in the real estate business, specifically within the Twin Cities real estate market. This being said he holds the tools and knowledge to help you get started with your experience on rental properties. Learn a little more about Travis and the rest of the team that makes BSL Real Estate a possibility by clicking here.

So if you are looking to live in a rental, we can help! People may want to rent a home for many reasons from personal to financial. Renting a home gives you the power to be a frequent mover without having to find a buyer every time your lease is up in your current rental. You can choose anything from apartments to lake houses, whatever your heart desires, we can surely find you a rental in the Twin Cities area. But why search the whole Twin Cities when you can find plenty in the city of Edina. Edina, Minnesota is a western suburb of Minneapolis and it holds the best of both worlds, the big city feel in the great family oriented suburbs. If you are serious about renting real estate in Edina, Travis Senenfelder is just the guy to help you find what you are looking for. Learn a little more about renting Twin Cities real estate by clicking here.

Now some of you may also be looking to rent out property. Be the landlord, collect the rent, repair the property and so on. But some of that can become tedious and time consuming. This is where Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management would like to be the one to help you out on this project. Travis has set up three different plans of operation that you can undergo with BSL Real Estate. Read about them each by clicking here. Travis can sit down with you and talk about your availability, the time you are able to commit to this, your experience and more, all to help decide which plan is right for you. Being that the property is yours we understand that you will want to be as involved with the process as possible, so we will work closely with you to help ensure that things are being run just as you imagined they always would be.

Now if you believe that you are ready to deal with an experienced team of experts and get your rental properties journey on the road, then you are going to need to get in contact with us! Travis Senenfelder of BSL Real Estate can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Home Rental Company - Travis Senenfelder

If you are looking for a home rental company then you have come to the right place. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is located in Wayzata, Minnesota and is owned and operated by realtor Travis Senenfelder. Travis is proud to be holding more than 10 years of experience working in the Twin Cities real estate market, with special attention to the western suburbs. If you are thinking about renting out a home, or just have some questions about renting out a home, then we are here to help. Learn a little more about our company and what we have to offer you by checking out our website, You can also check out specifically what we have to offer when it comes to renting homes in the Twin Cities by clicking here.

When it comes to renting out homes there are definitely some perks, but also some disadvantages that may lead you to purchasing a home rather then renting one. But no worries, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate can help you lease or purchase a home. One of the biggest perks to leasing a home is that the costs incurred are usually much more fixed compared to owning a home. There are still varying costs when it comes to leasing but there are much more fixed costs that allow you to know pretty close to exactly how much you will be spending over the course of your time in the rental. This leads me to my next point, when your lease is up you can just move. When you rent out a home, you do not have to ensure the sale of the home before you can move making you much more mobile. Another perk of leasing a home is that you don't have to worry about loosing equity in the home. If the property value drops while you are in residence, that does not effect you, rather it affects the landlord. This being said, while you can't loose equity in the home, you also can't gain any equity in the home if the value rises.

Another great aspect to renting out a home is that there is much less of an up-front cost when it comes to signing the lease. This can save you money in the long run, especially if you don't plan on keeping residence in that home for a very long period of time. One last great perk of renting a home is that often times you don't need to keep up with much of the maintenance, that is for the landlord to take care of. Now this brings me to one of the downsides to renting out a home. When you rent a home most of the time you have little control of the appearance of the home, both inside and out. All this being said, if you believe that renting out a home is the right move for you then I encourage you to get in contact with Travis Senenfelder. If you have any further questions about renting homes or just want to talk real estate he can be contacted by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Rental Agency for Plymouth - BSL Real Estate

Plymouth, Minnesota was rated as the number one place to buy a home and live in 2008 according to Money magazine. Plymouth is a rather large western suburb of the Twin Cities containing the best of both the suburban and big city lifestyle. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is looking to be your rental agency to help you find a great place in Plymouth to call home. BSL Real Estate is located in Wayzata, Minnesota and is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder. Travis has a great team of professionals working right beside him enabling Buy Sell Lease Real Estate to be a great rental agency with plenty of experience and tools to utilize. Now let's talk a little more about Plymouth, Minnesota and see if this could be the city for you.

Plymouth is home to many great amenities and perks for residents. First off, Plymouth is home to Medicine Lake. That in itself should be a great reason to live there. Medicine Lake is filled with luxurious lake homes and offers great summer fun for everyone, even those who do not live on the lake itself. There are beaches and plenty of parks for children to play or even a nice picnic on a sunny afternoon. Continuing on the outdoor aspect, Plymouth also has a large amount of running trails, 120 miles to be exact, that aid to the active walker, runner, or biker. And if keeping an active lifestyle is an important part of your life, Plymouth houses an excellent Lifetime Fitness that is open 24 hours a day everyday.

For families looking to live in the Twin Cities, Plymouth is a great choice! Plymouth is a part of some of the best school districts in the state, 5 to be exact. Although the city is part of many, most choose to be a part of the Wayzata school district due to great locations and excellent schools. One of the more well known school in Plymouth is Providence Academy, a large private school. Providence Academy is a college preparatory school that holds an outstanding academic record that will provide an excellent education to your children.

Plymouth, Minnesota is also proud to have an excellent community. With a friendly atmosphere and great people, Plymouth is an excellent western suburb of the Twin Cities. There are many great community events and celebrations, one of my favorites if Music in Plymouth. Music in Plymouth is a one night celebration filled with fun, food, music, and fireworks. This is definitely a big hit for the residents of Plymouth. Now with all this being said, if you think that Plymouth is the place for you and you are ready to work with an experienced real estate agent, then get in contact with us! Travis Senenfelder would love to hear from you and start you on your journey to finding great rentals in Plymouth, Minnesota. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Minnesota Property Management - Travis Senenfelder

Renting out property that you own can be a very smart move, especially financially. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is looking to help you manage your property. BSL Real Estate and Rental Management is located in Wayzata, Minnesota and is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder. Travis is a very experienced and motivated individual who can help your time as a landlord be a great success! Check out Buy Sell Lease's website to learn a little more about what we have to offer you and how we can be of service,

Now many of you might be new to the property management process and what it may all entail. But now worries, we are here to help and get you started on the right foot. Travis Senenfelder of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is looking to help you gain a deeper understanding of the process as well as be a part of the process. Travis offers three different property management plans to help you out. Each one varying in the amount of your participation and concern when it comes to collecting rent, deciding lease terms, property maintenance, and much more. Our goal is to help fill your rental space as quickly and efficiently as possible by finding quality renters to occupy the space.

One main perk of choosing Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management to help you manage your property, is that we can take away a lot of the stress from you. If you choose to be aided by us, you can choose how involved you want BSL Real Estate to be in order to ensure that your rental space is being ran the way you want it to be. We can be involved as little or as much as you wish based on out three working options. To see these three options and decide which one would be best for you, you can head to our website where we have each of them laid out for you. Check them out by clicking here.

If you have any questions about becoming a rental manager feel free to ask us! Whether you know for sure that you are looking to partner with us to help you rent out your space, or you just want to learn a little more about what it entails, get in touch with us. We can sit down with you and make sure you are fully informed with how the process works, what is expected of you, what you should expect from us, and how this process can benefit you. One major contributing factor in how successful you can come to be in rental management is how long-term you plan to be involved. Depending on how long you plan to be renting out the space you own can really say a lot about how profitable you may be and which option to choose when working with Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management.

Travis Senenfelder can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Top Real Estate Agencies - BSL Real Estate

Picking the right real estate agency is key in being successful within the real estate market. Buy Sell Lease Real Estateand Rental Management is located in Wayzata, Minnesota, a western suburb of the Twin Cities. BSL Real Estate is owned and operated by experienced real estate agent Travis Senenfelder. Travis holds onto more than 10 years of working within the Twin Cities real estate market. This being said, he is a very professional and motivated individual, the perfect guy to get the job done. Now, BSL Real Estate has many services that it can offer to help you real estate experience be a successful one. Learn a little more about what we can offer in your search, check out our website at

Some of you might be looking to either buy, sell, or lease real estate in the Twin Cities area. If you are looking to buy a home, let us help! We can help pinpoint exactly what it is that you are looking for and where you can find it. Whatever you want to base your search around we can help make that a reality. Maybe you want to be located in the western suburbs is Wayzata or Minnetonka, or maybe you want to be right in the heart of the big city. Maybe you want to be near an excellent school district, or maybe a city with many public parks like New Hope. Whatever your goals and wants may be when it comes to buying a home, we will help place you in the best home possible. Read a little more about what we have to offer when it comes to buying a home in the Twin Cities by clicking here.

Some of you now may be looking to sell a home. Travis will work as hard as he can to ensure the sale of your home in as timely a manor as possible. He will also negotiate with the buyer until he knows you are getting a good deal on the property you own. Travis and Buy Sell Lease Real Estate believe that it takes much more than just putting up a for sale sign in your front yard to ensure a sale. This being said, he will do his best to market your home and build interest in the real estate market. Check out some more about how BSL Real Estate handles selling homes by clicking here.

Leasing a home in the Twin Cities can consist of many different things, renting an apartment, a house, townhome, condo, or a loft. With multiple varieties of all these options scattered throughout the entire Twin Cities the possibilities are endless! From size to location to price, there is a rental out there for everyone! Learn a little more about leasing real estate in the Twin Cities by clicking here. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate wants to be a part of your real estate endevours to ensure that you are finding the best place for you. We want to work closely with you and make sure that you are happy with our findings, let us explore the Twin Cities real estate market together. Please get in contact with Travis to set up an appointment to meet with us or even if you just have to questions relating to the current real estate market. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Rental Company Minnesota - Travis Senenfelder

Looking for a rental company in the Twin Cities area? Then look no further, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is located in Wayzata, Minnesota, a western suburb of the Twin Cities. BSL Real Estate is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder who holds onto more than 10 years of experience in the Twin Cities real estate market. When looking for a rental company you could either be looking for a realtor to help you find a great rental in the Twin Cities, or you could be looking for help in rental management, renting out real estate that you already own. Let's take a look at what BSL Real Estate can do to aid you in each of those options.

If you are in need of a rental in the Twin Cities or the surrounding suburban areas, then we are here to point you in the right direction. When renting, especially in the Twin Cities, there are endless options for you to consider. Are you interested in a house, townhouse, condo, apartment, or maybe even a big city loft. Either way they all have different pros and cons that need to be considered when you are looking for the next place you are going to be calling home. If you choose to work with Buy Sell Lease Real Estate we will sit down with you to gain a better understanding of exactly what you are looking for so we can use our knowledge of the market and place you in the best place for the best price. To learn a little more about how we can help you in your renting process check out our website where we have compiled some very useful information about leasing in the Twin Cities, click here.

Now you may already own some Twin Cities real estate, and you are looking to manage that property while you rent it out. This can be a great option for almost anyone, especially in today's economy when it can become difficult to sell you home at the desired price. When looking at rental management, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management has several option that you can choose from if you wish to work with us. We can help you manage your real estate by aiding in things such as, collecting rent, advertising the real estate, handy work and so on. Travis Senenfelder has three options that you may choose from to help your rental management experience be easy and simple. Check out these three options and learn a little more about what we have to offer you by clicking here.

Now that you know exactly what we have to offer you as you look for a rental company in Minnesota we hope you take the time to contact us. Let BSL Real Estate become an active part of your rental experience, so contact Travis Senenfleder. Travis can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Realtor Agency Wayzata - BSL Real Estate

Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is located in Wayzata, Minnesota and it owned and operated by realtor Travis Senenfelder. Travis Senenfelder is proud to be carrying over 1o years of experience in the Twin Cities real estate market giving him an upper edge on the competition. With a working knowledge of the current real estate market and a team of professionals behind him, BSL Real Estate is a sure bet when looking for a realtor. Check out our website by clicking here, BSL Real Estate can help you out with whatever you real estate needs may be, whether it be buying a home, selling a home or property, or leasing an apartment or townhome. Today I would like to take a chance to just talk briefly about each of those options and how we can be of assistance to you in each aspect.

When looking to buy a home, the Twin Cities is huge! It can become rather overwhelming to find a great home when you don't have a specific area to look in picked out. This is one of the things that we can help you out with. Since we work throughout the entire Twin Cities area and service to many of the surrounding suburbs, we know the general perks and downsides to each city. So if you have an idea of what you are looking for in a house and the surrounding area, then we can help point you into the right direction to help narrow down your search. We can also be in assistance when it comes to showing the homes and negotiating prices in the end. To learn a little more about buying a home in the Twin Cities area check out some information from our website by clicking here.

Now if you are interested in selling your home or some property that you own, we can help with that too! Travis of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate believes that it takes more than just putting a 'for sale' sign in your front yard to get the house sold. He will work to market your home and find a buyer in as much of a timely manor as possible. He also believes that you should be in the loop about what is going on in the whole process and will keep you up to date on all the latest advancements dealing with the sale of your home. Learn a little more about selling real estate in the Twin Cities by clicking here.

Now lastly, leasing real estate in the Twin Cities. When it comes to leasing in the Twin Cities there are a vast amount of options and variations between rentals. Between houses, condos, townhomes, lofts, and apartments, there are endless options varied within each category. We can help explain the pros and cons of each and help decide which one will be best for you. Once we know what type of rental you are looking for we can start the grand search for your new home. Head over to our lease page from our website to learn a little more, click here. Now the next step is yours, get in contact with Buy Sell Lease Real Estate! Travis Senenfelder can be contacted at either or 651-216-9466.

Rental Company Servicing Minnetonka - BSL Real Estate

Minnetonka, Minnesota is a western suburb of the Twin Cities and is an excellent place to be looking for your next rental. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management would like to be your rental company in helping you find what you are looking for in Minnetonka. BSL Real Estate is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder and is located in Wayzata, Minnesota. BSL Real Estate is here to help your real estate goals become a success, and with Travis having over 10 years of experience in the Twin Cities real estate business, your goals are as good as accomplished! Head over to our website to see a little more about what we have to offer,

Now if you don't know much about Minnetonka, it's home to the beautiful Lake Minnetonka accompanying many lake homes and breathtaking real estate. This city is also a great option for parks and outdoor landscapes, there are 44 community parks, prairies, wetlands, and parks, all packed into this great suburban setting just eight miles west of Minneapolis. Even with all this aside, Minnetonka is a great place to live an athletic and outdoor lifestyle. With approximately 81 miles of trails sprawled throughout the city for walking, biking, or running its very easy and convenient to see why this city is a great choice.

Now besides the beauty and convenience of the city, it is also a bustling working community filled with work options and opportunities. With some great corporate headquarters placed in Minnetonka, they provide a great balance of work and play to the Minnetonka atmosphere. There is also a great school district that runs through Minnetonka providing excellent state recognized schools, ranging from public to private. With the businesses and schools to support a growing family or an aspiring individual, Minnetonka is a great place with great amenities.

There are also some fun aspects to Minnetonka. With the Ridgedale Mall located in Minnetonka, as well as many other shoppes, it's easy to spend a day out shopping in this city. There are also a variety restaurants to choose from when it comes to just grabbing a bite to eat on lunch break, or out for a romantic night. And of course there is always the heart of the Twin Cities just a short drive down the highway, making for an easy and convenient trip into Minneapolis. Now if you are seriously considering Minnetonka or just want to do a little more exploring in the city I encourage you to think about contacting Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management. We can sit down with you and help figure out exactly what you are looking for, and figure out the amenities that will help you live the lifestyle of your choice. So take the time to get in contact with Travis Senenfelder and set up an appointment and find out what we have to offer. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Lakehome Rental Agency Minnesota - BSL Real Estate

If you are looking for a lakehome rental agency in Minnesota, then you have found it! Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is located in Wayzata, Minnesota and is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder. Check out BSL Real Estate's website by clicking here, You can also learn a little more about the team that allows BSL Real Estate to be such a success in helping people in their real estate goals, head here.

Renting a home can be an exciting time in anyone's life, people can also be renting for many different reasons. Some can be renting because they are in a transitional period and do not wish to own a home at this time. This way when the time arrives to move away, it isn't as much of a hassle to sell your home, rather just move out. People also rent homes because of the convenience factor. When renting homes, your responsibility of the home is much less than if you were the owner of the home. This means repairs and works of the such are sometimes done by the landlord rather than yourself. But besides the reason for renting out a home, some might need more information on renting homes in general. On our website we have compiled some very useful information about renting homes in the Twin Cities area and the surrounding suburbs. Check it out here.

One popular choice for many in renting homes is lakehomes. Throughout the Twin Cities area there are many lakes with beautiful lake homes to be rented. Lake homes offer a certain sense of tranquility to the owner. Even though they are living just outside the big city, they are able to look out their windows each day and see a beautiful lake. They are able to spend a day out on the lake without having to go anywhere but home. With so many lakes scattered throughout the Twin Cities and the surrounding suburbs, it may be hard to narrow it down to the lake that you want to live on. This is where we at Buy Sell Lease Real Estate come in. We can help you narrow down the lakes based on what you are looking for in a lakehome rental. There are many factors that can go into helping place you into the perfect lake home. So let us help you search the vast amounts of property spread throughout the Twin Cities.

With choices from Lake Minnetonka and Medicine Lake to Lake Calhoun, and all the way over to White Bear Lake, there are many options to be explored. So like I said before, check out our website and explore some of these places and learn a little more about what we are able to offer to you in assisting in your lakehome rental search. I encourage you to contact Travis Senenfelder of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate to help you get started. Travis can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Condo Rental Company MN - Travis Senenfelder

Ever found yourself interested in the condo lifestyle? Well the Twin Cities is the perfect place for you to explore that interest and Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is looking to be your condo rental agency. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is located in Wayzata, Minnesota and is owned and operated by none other than real estate agent Travis Senenfelder. Check out our website by clicking here, Travis proudly holds onto more than 10 years of experience in the Twin Cities real estate market, making him more than qualified and knowledgeable on the matter to help your condo search become a grand success!

One of the greatest perks of condos is that they can provide a luxurious lifestyle in just about any location. If you are looking for a condo in the Minneapolis area then there are plenty of options to explore. With so much packed into one city, renting a condo in Minneapolis allows you quick access to almost any area of the city that interests you. If you are into the arts then maybe take a quick look at the Guthrie Theater located along the Mississippi River. Or spend an afternoon roaming the sculpture gardens at the Walker Art Center, and these are just the big name locations. Minneapolis itself is packed with smaller theaters, art schools, and museums. So renting a condo in Minneapolis can definitely help you live out your life in the arts.

No matter what you are looking for in the Twin Cities, it is sure to not disappoint. And besides the great location advantage of renting a condo in the Minneapolis area, there is much more to be said about renting a condo in Minneapolis. The Twin Cities is full of parks and lakes including Lake Calhoun. Lake Calhoun is bustling with life, between the beaches, boats, running/biking trails, and the luxurious homes, there is nothing but great things to say about this lake. And even aside from Lake Calhoun, there is always a way to live an active lifestyle, even in the big city. From gyms to outdoor trails and tracks, biking, running, or even just going for a leisure walk is simple and convenient.

So now that we have talked about some of the perks of renting a condo in Minneapolis, let's talk about just the general perks of living in a condo. In general, condos are a little larger than most apartments offering more space to add your own creative touch to your place. Condo's also offer a much more luxurious feel than renting out an apartment but also tend to run at a higher price. But who wouldn't pay a little more to have the luxuriousness and great locations of condos? So now if you are interested in a condo in Minneapolis, or even just a condo in the Twin Cities area I encourage you to get in contact with Travis Senenfelder of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Real Estate Rental Company Minnesota - BSL Real Estate

Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is a real estate rental company located in Wayzata, Minnesota. BSL Real Estate is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder. Travis has been working within the Twin Cities real estate market for over 10 years now making him knowledgeable on the workings on the Twin Cities. He is also backed up by a great team of professionals with specific skills that help place them above all the rest. Check out the team that makes BSL Real Estate possible by clicking here. I also encourage you to check out our overall website and look at some of the various services that we have to offer,

If you are looking to rent some prime real estate in the Twin Cities area, then you have come to the right place. Travis will sit down with you and help you figure out exactly what it is that you are looking for in a rental. Help you answer some of the difficult questions and place you in the perfect new place to call home. But before he can help start exploring the Twin Cities, it's best to have at lease some interest in a few areas of the Twin Cities to help narrow the search. Today I would like to discuss two different suburbs of Minneapolis/St. Paul, Mounds View and Golden Valley.

Mounds View, Minnesota is a northern suburb just about a 15 minute drive from Minneapolis. With Mounds View being a rather small and cozy little suburb it still packs a punch when it comes to the community. With a small population of just over 10,000 residents, Mounds View is home to a truly welcoming and enjoyable community with great community events filled with friendly faces. Aside from the great community, the city also has some parks and great outdoor activity to offer. Spending a day at the beach, or maybe in the park for a picnic or a walk with the dog is easy in Mounds View. The short drive into the Twin Cities also makes it very possible to spend a day in the down or a night on the town, either way life in Mounds View is full of excitement and friendly surroundings.

Second is Golden Valley, Minnesota, a western suburb of the Twin Cities. Golden Valley is a first ring suburb located just five miles west of Minneapolis. With this great location, Golden Valley has the best of both worlds. Being so close to the Twin Cities you have the best of the big city as well as the best of living in the suburbs. Golden Valley offers the privacy and calmness of a suburb along with the hustle and bustle of a big city. So no matter what you desire is, Golden Valley is sure to have great option for you. This city is also a part of a great school district making raising a family in Golden Valley a great choice.

If either of these two great cities sound appealing to you, or even if the don't, I encourage you to get in contact with us. We can help you explore these cities and many others, if these aren't appealing to you, then we will help point you in the direction of some that will. So take the next step and get in contact with Travis Senenfelder of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate, or 651-216-9466.

Apartment Rental Company - Travis Senenfelder

If you are looking for an apartment rental company then you have come to the right place. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management has real estate agents waiting to help you find your next Twin Cities apartment. With apartment complexes scattered in every direction throughout the entire Twin Cities area it can be hard to find one that best suits you on your own. That is why we would like to help you out! Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder, and is located in Wayzata, Minnesota. Check out our website to learn a little more about us and the services that we offer,

Now there are many things to consider when it comes to finding the perfect apartment. First off, you should look at where in the Twin Cities you may be interested in living in and for what reasons you want to live there. Maybe you are looking for a great school district, so you choose a north western suburb to be in independent school district 281, one of the best in the state. Or maybe you want great location with convenient access to downtown Minneapolis, so you look at Minneapolis itself or one of he first ring suburbs. You could also be looking for somewhere close to a lake or two so you can keep active spending summer afternoons on the boat, so you look at Wayzata, Plymouth, or Minnetonka. With many more place to explore and many more reasons to explore them I encourage you to head over to our homepage and navigate to the bottom of the page where you will find a listing of many of the Twin Cities suburbs with extensive descriptions of why each one could be a great pick for you.

Another factor you should consider when it comes to renting out an apartment is what exactly are you looking for in this apartment, what amenities are you interested in. Factors such as do you want a studio, one bedroom, two bedroom or more? Do you want your apartment to have its own washer and dryer for accessible laundry, maybe a full kitchen, or even a deck? With all these things and more to consider we encourage you to utilize the resources that Buy Sell Lease Real Estate has to offer. Owner and operator Travis Senenfelder has been working in the Twin Cities real estate market for over 10 years now making him an experienced and professional individual. This being said, he is willing to sit down with you and gain a deeper understanding of exactly what you are looking for in your apartment rental so he can do all the hard work and find you an apartment that will satisfy all your property needs. So now the next step can be yours. After exploring our website and seeing everything that we have to offer, you should contact us. Travis Senenfelder can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Realtor Agency Minnesota - BSL Real Estate

If you are in the market for some Minnesota real estate then you are going to need an experienced realtor. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management is located in Wayzata, Minnesota and is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder. BSL Real Estate employs multiple realtors and agent who specialize in different matters of real estate such as short sales, leasing, and rental management. So whatever you need may be this time around in the real estate market, we have some one who can help you be successful. Learn more about the team that makes Buy Sell Lease Real Estate possible and real a little about each realtor available. Check it out here.

Whether you are looking to buy, sell, lease, or manage property, we hold the tools and experience to help you along the road and to help ensure that you search or journey becomes successful. We like to work very closely with our clients to ensure that we are helping them in the exact way that they were looking for. BSL Real Estate prides itself on providing excellent customer service to our clients, but don't just take my word for it. Check out what some previous clients had to say about their experiences with Buy Sell Lease Real Estate by clicking here.

Now you might be new to the Twin Cities real estate market, maybe buying your first house, moving into your first independent apartment away from home. No matter what your property needs may be, we could all always use a little refresher on the process or buying, selling, or leasing real estate. Learn a little more about buying property in the Twin Cities by clicking here. If your in the market for leasing real estate then head here. And lastly if you are in the Twin Cities real estate market to sell some real estate you own, then click here. We can help you find what you are looking for no matter what your preferences may be. Looking for a lake home? Or maybe a big city apartment? A luxurious suburban home to settle down in? Come let us know so we can get our search started and begin exploring to Twin Cities to find te next place you are going to be calling home!

So now the rest is up to you, check out our website at and see all the different services that we can offer you. If you like what you see then why not just get in contact with us. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your real estate goals, your success is our success. With owner Travis Senenfelder having over 10 years of experience working with real estate in the Twin Cities, we hold a working knowledge of the current market's workings and how to be effective when negotiating with potential buyers or sellers. So open up your email and send Travis an email at or pick up the phone and give him a call at 651.216.9466.

Condo Rental Agency Minnesota - Travis Senenfelder

Buy Sell Lease Real Estate can be your condo rental agency in Minnesota. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is located in Wayzata, Minnesota and is owned and operated by real estate agent Travis Senenfelder. Check out BSL Real Estate's website by clicking here, Travis proudly holds onto over 10 years of experience in the real estate business working in the Twin Cities. This being said, he has a working knowledge of the Twin Cities and the surrounding suburbs making him the perfect option for your condo rental agency.

If it's a condo that you are looking for, then look no further. Whether you are looking for your first condo, small in size, affordable yet confortable, or if you are looking for that luxurious condo to settle down in, we can help you find it. But finding the condo isn't always the hardest part. Sometimes the hardest part is actually placing you in the condo. But no worries when you have Travis Senenfelder around to help you out. Travis prides himself on supplying excellent customer service and maintaining crucial negotiation skills. These come in handy when you are trying to negotiate a price for that beautiful condo you have your eye on. But don't only take my word for it, read a little about what previous clients have had to say about their experiences working with Travis and BSL Real Estate. Check them out here.

You also might be wondering if a condo really is the best option for you. Condo's can be accommodating to almost all and every lifestyle. With their versatility in location, size, and price, condos can fit the lifestyle of your choice. They also cater to those who are looking for a little less responsibility when it comes to maintaining the property. When you own or rent a condo you usually become a part of a condo association which takes care of most of the upkeep that is involved in owning property. This makes it easy to be out of town and always have someone there to watch your home. So if you are an avid traveler or vacationer then a condo could be the best option for you. Also whether you are looking for a condo in the big city or one out in the suburbs, there are plenty to go around in the Twin Cities.

So if you are ready to get in touch with Buy Sell Lease Real Estate I encourage you to do so. Travis can sit down with you and help guide you down the right path to help you find the condo of your dreams. He will work very closely with you and keep you informed of all that is going on when it comes to being in contact with the condo owners. He wants to make sure that your condo rental experience with us is one that you will be more than satisfied with. So now the next step is yours to take, contact us. Travis Senenfelder can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.

Rental Agency - Buy Sell Lease Real Estate

If you are in need of a rental agency then you have come to the right place. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is looking to be your rental agency and help you find the Twin Cities real estate rental that you are looking for. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is located in Wayzata, Minnesota, a western suburb of the Twin Cities. BSL Real Estate is also owned and operated by realtor Travis Senenfelder. Travis has been working with real estate in the Twin Cities for over 10 years now making him more than qualified to help you find or set up whatever rental needs you may have. So first off I would like to encourage you to head over to our website and look at all the different ways that we can be of service to you, You can also learn a little more about our team here at BSL Real Estate, the people that make our work possible. Check it out here.

Now if you are looking for a place to rent in the Twin Cities then we are definitely here to help you find exactly what you are looking for. Rentals in the Twin Cities can definitely have their perks. With a rental you have a little less responsibility than actually owning the home, but there are some restrictions as well. When it comes to apartments usually you are not allowed to alter most things, especially without permission from the landlord first. But that aside, rentals offer great opportunities to find the perfect location. With countless varieties of rentals in the Twin Cities you can settle down practically anywhere you wish. So let us sit down with you and allow us to gain a deeper understanding of what it is exactly that you are looking for so we can help you find the best rental possible.

Now some of you may be looking to start renting out property that you already own, we can help with this too! Buy Sell Lease Real Estate holds the tools and a working knowledge of the Twin Cities real estate market to help your rentals become a success. If you have never rented out property before or if you would just like to learn a little more about how it works, check out our website where we have compiled some information about rental management. Click here. Travis can help you set up a plan to help you manage your rentals in an effective and efficient manor. So get in contact with us and let us help you figure out exactly what it is you are trying to accomplish through turning to rental management.

So take this time now to get in touch with Travis Senenfelder of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate so we can get your rental search or your rental management on the way to success. Travis can be reached through email at or by phone at 651-216-9466. We look forward to hearing from you and working side by side with you in hopes of helping you reach your real estate goals.

Property Management - BSL Real Estate

Ever wonder what it would be like to be a landlord? Interested in property management but just not sure how to get started? No problems! In today's economy it can be a real hassle trying to sell your home and get a decent price from that sale. Sometimes it might make more sense to just rent out your unused real estate instead of trying to sell it. But then again we also understand the rental management can be rather confusing to those who have never managed property before. But this is where we come into the picture. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is located in Wayzata, Minnesota, a western suburb of the Twin Cities. BSL Real Estate is owned and operated by realtor Travis Senenfelder. Travis has been working in the Twin Cities real estate market for ever ten years now making him a very knowledgeable and professional individual. This being said, with BSL Real Estate under the control of Travis Senenfelder we hold the experience and the knowledge to help you get started with property management.

Before you decide to participate in rental management, you should finalize a few thoughts first. Ask yourself why you are looking to rent out your property? What are you looking to gain from this arrangement? How long do you plan on renting out the property? These are some fundamental questions that need to be answered when looking at property management. If you are having trouble answering any of them, then I encourage you to get in contact with us and we can help you work through these things to make sure you have a solid property management plan.

No matter what your worries about property management may be, Travis can help set you on the right track and get everything set up and ready to go. Travis offers three different rental management plans through Buy Sell Lease Real Estate that you can set up. Learn a little more about each rental management plan by clicking here. Travis can help you set up with him the plan that best fits your needs and wants so that your rental management experience is positive and exciting. We understand how confusing certain aspects of this process can be, and we don't think that you should have to experience any of those stresses. So let us handle to hard stuff and you can just sit back and relax while becoming a new property manager.

Now one of your last worries might be that you will not be able to find anyone to occupy your property that you are renting out. Travis has over ten years of experience in the Twin Cities real estate market so let him help you find someone. Travis will work his hardest to find someone to occupy your rental so you can start collecting rent as soon as possible. With all this being stated, it's time for you to get in contact with BSL Real Estate and get this process started. Travis Senenfelder can be reached by email at or by phone at 651-216-9466.