In my previous article regarding short sales, I discussed how in today’s market they could be your only saving grace. They possess the capability to avoid foreclosure, pay off your loan and settle with your lender. While this option is still fresh in your head, I’d like to detail going about a short sale, its process, and how I am here to help you reduce the stress and complications that arise from it all.
Initiating a short sale starts with finding an experienced real estate agent who has dealt with the process and is willing to guide every step along to its ultimate fruition. Considering my extensive background of short sales, I am more than confident I can resell your house and negotiate with the lender or loan service to settle the mortgage payoff for less than the balance due on the note.
As a general rule, there are six things you need before meeting with an agent:
• Two recent pay steps
• Last two months’ bank statements
• Two years’ of tax returns
• Hardship letter
• Letter of authorization giving your agent your permission to talk to the mortgage loan service, bank and lender
• Personal financial statement
Upon receiving this information, I will have you sign a listing contract, allowing me to put the property on the market for sale. Once you receive an offer, I then submit the offer coupled with the six required items to the bank. Typically speaking, it takes the bank around ten days to review the file and order the Broker Price Opinion (BPO). With this in their possession, they further review the short sale file for another week and then render their verdict. While a short sale’s biggest stigma is the long, complicated procedure – it is also its biggest misconception. In reality, a short sale process can be completed between 30-45 days. In the wrong hands, however, the whole affair could take an agonizing 6 to 9 months.
A short sales success largely depends on the right agent. It is utterly crucial you find an agent that actively works on the file daily, rather than one who just submits the documents and sits back and waits. If you were to choose me, Travis Senenfelder of BSL Real Estate, you can count on professionalism, reliability and tenacity exuded every step of the way.
If you have decided that a short sale is your choice or only option contact me immediately at 651-216-9466. Also, visit my website at or stop by my office located at 440 2nd St, Excelsior, MN 55331.
Always here to help,
Travis Senenfelder
Licensed Real Estate Broker
BSL Real Estate
Short Sale Specialist
Real Estate | Community Buzz | West Metro Suburbs of Minneapolis
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Interest Capitalization Before Market Stabilization
Buying a home is easily one of the largest decisions in your life. After all, it’s the foundation on which all aspects of a future are built. In other words, choosing the right type of mortgage loan is imperative – chances are it’ll be the biggest loan you will ever take out. That’s why finding an interest rate that suits your family, financial situation and plans down the road is an issue that is not to be taken lightly.
There are several new mortgage plans currently available. However, these specialty loans are volatile in nature as the interest rate is subject to change depending on the state of the market and the lender’s discretion.
Thankfully, there are still traditional mortgage loans that adhere to a fixed monthly interest rate, providing stability in an unstable age.
Fixed-Rate Mortgages:
While you may think purchasing a home is risky in today’s market, it doesn’t have to be. Fixed-rate mortgages have lasting power for a reason. As the name implies, fixed-rate mortgages offer equal monthly repayments on your total loan balance -- the most popular plans being 15 to 30 years. The benefits of which include steadfast interest rates – no matter if they increase or decrease – and the ability to make a larger monthly payment, transferring the additional money towards principle. Mortgage loans can be paid off in half the allotted time, should you choose to pay more than what is required monthly.
Interest-Only Mortgages:
Another option to consider is an interest-only mortgage. Rather than paying interest and principal simultaneously, interest-only mortgages requires you pay only interest for a period of 5-10 years. Generally, interest-only plans are comprised of 30 to 40 year loans with principal being paid after 60-120 months. An interest-only mortgage doesn’t require homeowners to pay only-interest; it simply offers first time homebuyers the option to opt out of principle payment during the early, formative years of settling down.
FHA Loan:
Lastly, consider taking out a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan. The initial down payments are as little as 3% and generally approve individuals with a less-than-perfect credit history. They offer several mortgage loans, including 15 to 30 year fixed-rate plans.
More so than ever, first time homebuyers have an opportunity to capitalize on the market’s weakened state. Presently, mortgage loans are at unprecedented all-time lows, with the average 30-year fixed-rate interest being 4.69% and 15-year loans at an incredible 4.17%.
Now is the time to reevaluate your current living situation. If you are a first or second time homebuyer looking for your humble abode, give me a call at 651-216-9466. My mission is to land you the home you never thought possible. Sure the state of our economy may be terrible, but who says it can’t be terrible in your favor.
Welcoming you home,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
There are several new mortgage plans currently available. However, these specialty loans are volatile in nature as the interest rate is subject to change depending on the state of the market and the lender’s discretion.
Thankfully, there are still traditional mortgage loans that adhere to a fixed monthly interest rate, providing stability in an unstable age.
Fixed-Rate Mortgages:
While you may think purchasing a home is risky in today’s market, it doesn’t have to be. Fixed-rate mortgages have lasting power for a reason. As the name implies, fixed-rate mortgages offer equal monthly repayments on your total loan balance -- the most popular plans being 15 to 30 years. The benefits of which include steadfast interest rates – no matter if they increase or decrease – and the ability to make a larger monthly payment, transferring the additional money towards principle. Mortgage loans can be paid off in half the allotted time, should you choose to pay more than what is required monthly.
Interest-Only Mortgages:
Another option to consider is an interest-only mortgage. Rather than paying interest and principal simultaneously, interest-only mortgages requires you pay only interest for a period of 5-10 years. Generally, interest-only plans are comprised of 30 to 40 year loans with principal being paid after 60-120 months. An interest-only mortgage doesn’t require homeowners to pay only-interest; it simply offers first time homebuyers the option to opt out of principle payment during the early, formative years of settling down.
FHA Loan:
Lastly, consider taking out a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan. The initial down payments are as little as 3% and generally approve individuals with a less-than-perfect credit history. They offer several mortgage loans, including 15 to 30 year fixed-rate plans.
More so than ever, first time homebuyers have an opportunity to capitalize on the market’s weakened state. Presently, mortgage loans are at unprecedented all-time lows, with the average 30-year fixed-rate interest being 4.69% and 15-year loans at an incredible 4.17%.
Now is the time to reevaluate your current living situation. If you are a first or second time homebuyer looking for your humble abode, give me a call at 651-216-9466. My mission is to land you the home you never thought possible. Sure the state of our economy may be terrible, but who says it can’t be terrible in your favor.
Welcoming you home,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
Noerenberg Gardens
As the old phrase goes, sometimes we all need to “stop and smell the roses.” In an ever-frantic society, we often trade up lakeside strolls for latté scrimmages. The closest we come to getting in touch with nature these days is the Discovery Channel. So, isn’t it time for a little one-on-one with God’s green earth?
Considered by many as the finest formal garden within the state, Noerenberg Gardens is located in Orono on the north shore of Lake Minnetonka’s Crystal Bay. Previously owned by Grain Belt Beer founder Frederick Noerenberg, the estate was donated to the Park District in 1972. Finely manicured and preserved; the garden offers a wide spectrum of vibrant trees, perennials, annuals, shrubs and an extensive daylily collection. Walk along the brick pathways as you absorb the lush scenery and exquisite flowerbeds. Visit the ornamental boathouse for a taste of nostalgia or take in Lake Minnetonka’s view by the vine-encased gazebo.
Noerenberg is open May 1st through October 15th from 8 AM to sunset. The parking is free, the monthly tours are free, so what are you waiting for? Trust me, you won’t want to overlook this hidden gem.
If you’re looking to buy, sell or lease a home in Orono or Minnetonka area feel free to contact me, Travis Senenfelder, on my cell at 651-216-9466. I am more than happy to meet you here to talk life, realty and horticulture.
For rental properties available throughout the area check out and don’t forget to visit my website at
My office is located at 440 2nd St., Excelsior, MN 55331.
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
Noerenberg Memorial Park
2840 North Shore Drive
Wayzata, MN 55391
Considered by many as the finest formal garden within the state, Noerenberg Gardens is located in Orono on the north shore of Lake Minnetonka’s Crystal Bay. Previously owned by Grain Belt Beer founder Frederick Noerenberg, the estate was donated to the Park District in 1972. Finely manicured and preserved; the garden offers a wide spectrum of vibrant trees, perennials, annuals, shrubs and an extensive daylily collection. Walk along the brick pathways as you absorb the lush scenery and exquisite flowerbeds. Visit the ornamental boathouse for a taste of nostalgia or take in Lake Minnetonka’s view by the vine-encased gazebo.
Noerenberg is open May 1st through October 15th from 8 AM to sunset. The parking is free, the monthly tours are free, so what are you waiting for? Trust me, you won’t want to overlook this hidden gem.
If you’re looking to buy, sell or lease a home in Orono or Minnetonka area feel free to contact me, Travis Senenfelder, on my cell at 651-216-9466. I am more than happy to meet you here to talk life, realty and horticulture.
For rental properties available throughout the area check out and don’t forget to visit my website at
My office is located at 440 2nd St., Excelsior, MN 55331.
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
Noerenberg Memorial Park
2840 North Shore Drive
Wayzata, MN 55391
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Foreclosure? Keep Your Composure.
For a property owner, no other word conjures up more sheer terror than foreclosure. We’ve all heard its nasty, negative connotation rustle through the breeze from time to time – especially in the day and age we live in. If you are unfamiliar with its baggage, consider yourself lucky. A foreclosure, in its most formal definition, is the legal process by which a mortgage company, or other lien holder, cancels the borrower’s right of equitable redemption of the mortgaged property through court order. A foreclosure, in its most realistic definition, means that everything you have worked so hard for is taken away from you.
For whatever reason one fails to keep up with their mortgage, and believe me, that list is long these days, the lender reacts accordingly and repossesses the home, publicizes the property, and holds an auction to sell it off. While this alone is a nightmare, it gets worse. The repercussions of foreclosure go on to haunt the mortgagor, adding some serious salt to the wound. First and foremost, foreclosure typically does major damage to one’s credit score. This will be the most apparent ramification, as it’s nearly unfeasible to lease a home or apartment afterwards. Lower maximum balances and higher interest rates will play a considerable role in setting up new loans and credit cards. What’s worse is that the minimum waiting period for an FHA loan is three years, while a Fannie Mae loan is a sobering five. Moreover, your employer may even factor into the equation. Several employers require good credit scores for hiring and some even consider bad credit as grounds for termination.
The reality of the matter is that foreclosure has the capability to ruin lives. It is a slippery slope that should be avoided at all costs. As an accredited realtor, I believe foreclosure is an absolute unnecessary action. There are several options out there that exist and really do work in protecting your home. If the notion of foreclosing your home has even crossed your mind, contact me immediately at 651-216-9466. When it comes to such a dire situation, I am more than a realtor – I’m your friend.
Do whatever it takes to hold on to your American Dream.
Always here to help,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior MN, 55331
For whatever reason one fails to keep up with their mortgage, and believe me, that list is long these days, the lender reacts accordingly and repossesses the home, publicizes the property, and holds an auction to sell it off. While this alone is a nightmare, it gets worse. The repercussions of foreclosure go on to haunt the mortgagor, adding some serious salt to the wound. First and foremost, foreclosure typically does major damage to one’s credit score. This will be the most apparent ramification, as it’s nearly unfeasible to lease a home or apartment afterwards. Lower maximum balances and higher interest rates will play a considerable role in setting up new loans and credit cards. What’s worse is that the minimum waiting period for an FHA loan is three years, while a Fannie Mae loan is a sobering five. Moreover, your employer may even factor into the equation. Several employers require good credit scores for hiring and some even consider bad credit as grounds for termination.
The reality of the matter is that foreclosure has the capability to ruin lives. It is a slippery slope that should be avoided at all costs. As an accredited realtor, I believe foreclosure is an absolute unnecessary action. There are several options out there that exist and really do work in protecting your home. If the notion of foreclosing your home has even crossed your mind, contact me immediately at 651-216-9466. When it comes to such a dire situation, I am more than a realtor – I’m your friend.
Do whatever it takes to hold on to your American Dream.
Always here to help,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior MN, 55331
Is a Short Sale Right for You?
As our country seemingly reaches an economic stalemate, we are finding ourselves in situations that are less than financially appealing. What we do not realize, however, is that these situations can sometimes stand to jeopardize our livelihoods altogether. In an ugly world of job loss, declining market value and foreclosure, the days of the white picket fence seem to drift farther and farther away.
If keeping up with your mortgage becomes increasingly difficult and borderline impossible, don’t give up hope altogether. While not the best-case scenario, and yet far from the worst, consider a short sale as a means to cut your losses and keep credit damage at a minimum. Simply put, short selling your home means selling your property for less than the balance owed on the property’s loan. While neither the borrower or lender profit, it is a mutual agreement that, when done right, can avoid serious ramifications on the borrower’s behalf. As opposed to a foreclosure, a short sale will appear on a credit report as a debt settlement and not a “paid-in-full.” You will receive a lower credit score and have to pay higher interest rates for borrowing down the loan. Nevertheless, while notice of the settlement will remain on your report for seven years from the initial default date, a short sale will harm your score drastically less. If all goes according to plan, the difference on what you sold the house for and what you owe will be forgiven.
According to the National Association of Realtors, short sales and foreclosure account for a whopping 40% of all homes sold today. With that said, maybe it is time for you to consider a short sale as a sensible alternative to facing property foreclosure down the line.
I am available day or night to offer you the help you need in dealing with this delicate situation. I have over ten years of real estate experience, including dealing with short sales, and am ready and willing to negotiate with the mortgage company/ies for you and your family. The FHA does not currently have a policy regarding the time required to obtain a new FHA loan and reestablish your credit score. This means we can get you out of your property snare and into a new life as soon as humanly possible.
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
If keeping up with your mortgage becomes increasingly difficult and borderline impossible, don’t give up hope altogether. While not the best-case scenario, and yet far from the worst, consider a short sale as a means to cut your losses and keep credit damage at a minimum. Simply put, short selling your home means selling your property for less than the balance owed on the property’s loan. While neither the borrower or lender profit, it is a mutual agreement that, when done right, can avoid serious ramifications on the borrower’s behalf. As opposed to a foreclosure, a short sale will appear on a credit report as a debt settlement and not a “paid-in-full.” You will receive a lower credit score and have to pay higher interest rates for borrowing down the loan. Nevertheless, while notice of the settlement will remain on your report for seven years from the initial default date, a short sale will harm your score drastically less. If all goes according to plan, the difference on what you sold the house for and what you owe will be forgiven.
According to the National Association of Realtors, short sales and foreclosure account for a whopping 40% of all homes sold today. With that said, maybe it is time for you to consider a short sale as a sensible alternative to facing property foreclosure down the line.
I am available day or night to offer you the help you need in dealing with this delicate situation. I have over ten years of real estate experience, including dealing with short sales, and am ready and willing to negotiate with the mortgage company/ies for you and your family. The FHA does not currently have a policy regarding the time required to obtain a new FHA loan and reestablish your credit score. This means we can get you out of your property snare and into a new life as soon as humanly possible.
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
It’s not every day one can play a few rounds all the while taking in the arts. Even so, Big Stone Mini Golf seems to blend these two distant worlds with ease. Situated along the rural countryside between Mound and St. Bonfacius, Big Stone Mini Golf is a 17-acre putter’s paradise. Created and owned by local artist Bruce Stillman, Big Stone received its ambitious start back in 2003. In an attempt to create truly functional art, Stillman and some fellow artists crafted the 12-hole miniature-golf course using a variety of wood, stone and metal elements. The end result was a whimsical landscape of mini-golf amongst intensely interactive sculptural terrain.
The creative layout features fun for all ages, with each hole offering a new artistic obstacle and challenge. Take the start of the course for instance, which is a forest of fossilized tree trunks with no clear shot in sight. Move through a few more twists and turns and you’ll soon find yourself squaring up against the overturned hull of a sunken ship. By the time you sink your last put you’ll swear you’d just been through one of Picasso’s daydreams.
But that’s not all Big Stone offers – far from it. Enjoy a game or two on the carved checkerboards, break out the basket in the picnic area or get nice and cozy around the fire pit – it’s your call. There are also several goats, miniature horses and chickens scattered about the property (should you need to seal the deal with the kids).
Big Stone Mini Golf is an absolute blast -- take it from me. You’d think I was being biased, considering my passion for golf, but this place is sure to please young and old alike.
I’m always up for a round so consider calling me Travis Senenfelder, Minnetrista, Lake Minnetonka real estate broker at 651-216-9466 in relation to any real estate questions you may have while putting your way through this 12-hole maze. To preview properties for sale visit my website,, or to view rental properties in Mound, Minnestrista or St. Bonfacius.
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
Big Stone Mini Golf
7100 County Rd 110 W
Mound, MN 55364
The creative layout features fun for all ages, with each hole offering a new artistic obstacle and challenge. Take the start of the course for instance, which is a forest of fossilized tree trunks with no clear shot in sight. Move through a few more twists and turns and you’ll soon find yourself squaring up against the overturned hull of a sunken ship. By the time you sink your last put you’ll swear you’d just been through one of Picasso’s daydreams.
But that’s not all Big Stone offers – far from it. Enjoy a game or two on the carved checkerboards, break out the basket in the picnic area or get nice and cozy around the fire pit – it’s your call. There are also several goats, miniature horses and chickens scattered about the property (should you need to seal the deal with the kids).
Big Stone Mini Golf is an absolute blast -- take it from me. You’d think I was being biased, considering my passion for golf, but this place is sure to please young and old alike.
I’m always up for a round so consider calling me Travis Senenfelder, Minnetrista, Lake Minnetonka real estate broker at 651-216-9466 in relation to any real estate questions you may have while putting your way through this 12-hole maze. To preview properties for sale visit my website,, or to view rental properties in Mound, Minnestrista or St. Bonfacius.
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
Big Stone Mini Golf
7100 County Rd 110 W
Mound, MN 55364
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Lord Fletcher's
Summer doesn’t get much better at Lord Fletcher’s – plain and simple. I’ve had some of my fondest memories out on Lake Minnetonka here. Just pull up to one of the several boat slips, let the staff do the rest, and step onto the Lord Fletcher’s Wharf – a massive lakeside patio. The Wharf’s grandeur, which is big as a football field, showcases three full service bars, a patio menu and ample seating.
Overcast day out? It could be worse.
Simply hop inside the restaurant’s main dining room and you’ll quickly discover a rustic log cabin ambiance that is hard to beat. Indulge your palate to succulent prime cuts and signature sides that are sure to satisfy the heartiest of hungers. Sip on decadent wine as you take in Lord Fletcher’s Old Lake Lodge’s inviting fireplace or just watch the world go by as you relax on the lakeside porch. Since 1968, Lord Fletcher’s has built itself upon a reputation of the utmost excellence and unmistakable comfort. Let Fletcher’s host your next banquet or meeting in one of their five private dining rooms – each one complete with its own individual essence. Whatever your reason to visit, Lord Fletcher’s offers an atmospheric variety of fun, food and professionalism.
Found yourself with the landlocked blues?
With extensive property knowledge of Lake Minnetonka and the cities surrounding Lord Fletcher’s, I would love to help you in finding, buying, selling, or renting a home on or around Lake Minnetonka. So the next time you’re considering that big change in your life, give me, Travis Senenfelder, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate, a call at 651-216-9466.
The drinks are on me.
All the best,
Lake Minnetonka Realtor
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
To preview property in and around the lake that is currently available for sale check out and to preview rental property available through out the twin cities check out
Lord Fletcher’s Lake Minnetonka
3746 Sunset Drive
Spring Park, MN 55384
Overcast day out? It could be worse.
Simply hop inside the restaurant’s main dining room and you’ll quickly discover a rustic log cabin ambiance that is hard to beat. Indulge your palate to succulent prime cuts and signature sides that are sure to satisfy the heartiest of hungers. Sip on decadent wine as you take in Lord Fletcher’s Old Lake Lodge’s inviting fireplace or just watch the world go by as you relax on the lakeside porch. Since 1968, Lord Fletcher’s has built itself upon a reputation of the utmost excellence and unmistakable comfort. Let Fletcher’s host your next banquet or meeting in one of their five private dining rooms – each one complete with its own individual essence. Whatever your reason to visit, Lord Fletcher’s offers an atmospheric variety of fun, food and professionalism.
Found yourself with the landlocked blues?
With extensive property knowledge of Lake Minnetonka and the cities surrounding Lord Fletcher’s, I would love to help you in finding, buying, selling, or renting a home on or around Lake Minnetonka. So the next time you’re considering that big change in your life, give me, Travis Senenfelder, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate, a call at 651-216-9466.
The drinks are on me.
All the best,
Lake Minnetonka Realtor
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
To preview property in and around the lake that is currently available for sale check out and to preview rental property available through out the twin cities check out
Lord Fletcher’s Lake Minnetonka
3746 Sunset Drive
Spring Park, MN 55384
Let's Get Biking
As the final days of the Tour De France approach, and hopes and dreams are shattered by mere seconds, the world is reminded of the aesthetic qualities of friendly sportsmanship, grueling competition and pure athleticism. Coming from an active high school background where I partook in basketball, football and golf, I have always appreciated the drive of these seemingly unstoppable athletes. To even fathom covering 2,200 miles in three measly weeks seems absurd to most, but every single year our skepticism is laid to rest as almost 200 cyclists cross the finish line.
In the spirit of this monumental sporting event, the Minnetonka community prepares for its fifth annual Tour De Tonka on August 7th. Originating in 2006, the Tour De Tonka is a multi-distance bike ride varying from 16 to 100 miles. The ride, not race (let’s face it, we’re not all Lance Armstrong material), begins and ends at the Minnetonka High School. Starting at 7:30 in the morning, the Tour De Tonka will be an all-day affair complete with music, food, door prizes, and a vendor fair. If you haven’t already, make sure to register online through the Minnetonka Community Education website and visit Minnetonka High School to receive your pre-ride packet. Consider bringing friends, neighbors or the whole family out for some quality exercise and fun times at the fifth annual Tour De Tonka.
It goes without saying that the Minnetonka community has one undeniable sense of integrity. Through the annual event thousands of people consolidate to celebrate nature, exercise and above all, good company.
Should you or anyone you know be interested in discussing the event or learning more about property on or around Lake Minnetonka for sale or lease, don’t hesitate to contact me Travis Senenfelder, Lake Minnetonka Realtor at 651-216-9466 or visit my website
And in the meantime remember that Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management would love to answer any questions you have about purchasing a home in the Minnetonka area, selling a home on and around Lake Minnetonka or assisting you in leasing your home through out the Minneapolis St. Paul suburbs.
For rental properties available check out and again give me a call today to chat life, lake living or real estate. Additionally, I also specialize in the other several municipalities supporting the Tour De Tonka such as Wayzata, Chanhassen, Orono, Navarre, Medina, Excelsior, Long Lake, Maple Grove and more.
All the best,
Lake Minnetonka Realtor
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
Tour De Tonka
Minnetonka Public Schools District 276
In the spirit of this monumental sporting event, the Minnetonka community prepares for its fifth annual Tour De Tonka on August 7th. Originating in 2006, the Tour De Tonka is a multi-distance bike ride varying from 16 to 100 miles. The ride, not race (let’s face it, we’re not all Lance Armstrong material), begins and ends at the Minnetonka High School. Starting at 7:30 in the morning, the Tour De Tonka will be an all-day affair complete with music, food, door prizes, and a vendor fair. If you haven’t already, make sure to register online through the Minnetonka Community Education website and visit Minnetonka High School to receive your pre-ride packet. Consider bringing friends, neighbors or the whole family out for some quality exercise and fun times at the fifth annual Tour De Tonka.
It goes without saying that the Minnetonka community has one undeniable sense of integrity. Through the annual event thousands of people consolidate to celebrate nature, exercise and above all, good company.
Should you or anyone you know be interested in discussing the event or learning more about property on or around Lake Minnetonka for sale or lease, don’t hesitate to contact me Travis Senenfelder, Lake Minnetonka Realtor at 651-216-9466 or visit my website
And in the meantime remember that Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management would love to answer any questions you have about purchasing a home in the Minnetonka area, selling a home on and around Lake Minnetonka or assisting you in leasing your home through out the Minneapolis St. Paul suburbs.
For rental properties available check out and again give me a call today to chat life, lake living or real estate. Additionally, I also specialize in the other several municipalities supporting the Tour De Tonka such as Wayzata, Chanhassen, Orono, Navarre, Medina, Excelsior, Long Lake, Maple Grove and more.
All the best,
Lake Minnetonka Realtor
Travis Senenfelder
BSL Real Estate
440 2nd St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
Tour De Tonka
Minnetonka Public Schools District 276
A Lakeside Getaway That's Hard to Forget
I have always loved Wayzata’s Sunsets Restaurant since I can remember. You start with the location: downtown Wayzata. Nestled in the heart of Wayzata’s quaint and cozy sidewalk shops, blooming foliage and cobblestone sidewalks lay the restaurant’s familiar sun-kissed brick foundation. A large, old clock sits proudly above the Sunsets sign, which is now becoming overwhelmed with the scaling vines – rich in color and quantity. To the restaurant’s side, right across Wayzata’s historical train tracks, lies the vast property of gorgeous Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota.
The always-scenic body of water is teeming with water enthusiasts from all walks of life. Have a drink as you watch elderly friends doze off into fishing limbo while adrenaline junkies hit the skies with a little wake and a lot of speed. It’s all here.
The real treat, however, is Wayzata Sunsets’ large selection of gourmet specialties. The extensive menu – ranging from crab cakes to Cajun pork – is promptly prepared by expert chefs, delivered with a friendly smile, and costs a more-than-reasonable price. Dine in the restaurant’s tranquil ambiance or bask in the lakefront’s crisp breeze as you take your hunger to the outdoor patio. What’s not to love?
It’s safe to say Wayzata has a little bit of everything: strong sense of community, beautiful surroundings, bustling storefronts and unforgettable restaurants.
If you are in need of company and want some good conversation while enjoying a glass of wine on the patio consider calling me, Travis Senenfelder. I love this place. I can be reached by phone at 651-216-9466 or visit my website at and shoot me an email. My office address is 440 2nd St., Excelsior, MN 55331.
And in the meantime remember that Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management would love to answer any questions you have about purchasing a home in the Wayzata area, selling a home on and around Lake Minnetonka or assisting you in leasing your home through out the Minneapolis St. Paul suburbs.
For rental properties available check out and again give me a call today to chat life, lake living or real estate.
Wayzata Sunsets Restaurant
Sunsets Wayzata 700 East Lake
Wayzata, MN
The always-scenic body of water is teeming with water enthusiasts from all walks of life. Have a drink as you watch elderly friends doze off into fishing limbo while adrenaline junkies hit the skies with a little wake and a lot of speed. It’s all here.
The real treat, however, is Wayzata Sunsets’ large selection of gourmet specialties. The extensive menu – ranging from crab cakes to Cajun pork – is promptly prepared by expert chefs, delivered with a friendly smile, and costs a more-than-reasonable price. Dine in the restaurant’s tranquil ambiance or bask in the lakefront’s crisp breeze as you take your hunger to the outdoor patio. What’s not to love?
It’s safe to say Wayzata has a little bit of everything: strong sense of community, beautiful surroundings, bustling storefronts and unforgettable restaurants.
If you are in need of company and want some good conversation while enjoying a glass of wine on the patio consider calling me, Travis Senenfelder. I love this place. I can be reached by phone at 651-216-9466 or visit my website at and shoot me an email. My office address is 440 2nd St., Excelsior, MN 55331.
And in the meantime remember that Buy Sell Lease Real Estate and Rental Management would love to answer any questions you have about purchasing a home in the Wayzata area, selling a home on and around Lake Minnetonka or assisting you in leasing your home through out the Minneapolis St. Paul suburbs.
For rental properties available check out and again give me a call today to chat life, lake living or real estate.
Wayzata Sunsets Restaurant
Sunsets Wayzata 700 East Lake
Wayzata, MN
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Excelsior Bay Charters
For the past 23 years, Excelsior Bay Charters has been the intermediary between family, friends and business partners. Docked in downtown Excelsior, Excelsior Bay Charters is the ultimate combination of on the lake socialization and relaxation -- suitable for any occasion, such as cocktail parties, surprise birthdays, anniversaries and more. Take Lake Minnetonka’s premier luxury yacht, SummerWind, for a spin and be treated to its exciting atmosphere and spacious accommodations. Kick back while an Excelsior Bay Charters’ captain details the area’s breathtaking lake homes and historic estates. And last but not least, let the friendly staff treat you to delicious food and drink as you cruise off into the sunset.
If sightseeing’s not all you had in mind, be sure to stop by BSL Real Estate, located just down the street at 440 2nd St., Excelsior, MN – across the street from the 318 Café and down the street from Biella Italian Restaurant. With an extensive knowledge of the area, I am available to satisfy any needs you have regarding buying, selling or leasing a home on Lake Minnetonka. Visit or contact me directly me at 651-216-9466.
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
To preview property in and around the lake that is currently available for sale check out and to preview rental property available through out the twin cities check out
Excelsior Bay Charters
436 Union Place
Excelsior, MN 55331
If sightseeing’s not all you had in mind, be sure to stop by BSL Real Estate, located just down the street at 440 2nd St., Excelsior, MN – across the street from the 318 Café and down the street from Biella Italian Restaurant. With an extensive knowledge of the area, I am available to satisfy any needs you have regarding buying, selling or leasing a home on Lake Minnetonka. Visit or contact me directly me at 651-216-9466.
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
To preview property in and around the lake that is currently available for sale check out and to preview rental property available through out the twin cities check out
Excelsior Bay Charters
436 Union Place
Excelsior, MN 55331
Al and Alma's Charter Boat Tours
Dreaming of the perfect way to cool off, soak in some sun and kick off those Sunday shoes? Al and Alma’s Charter Boat Tours is here to help. This summer, embark on a cruise across beautiful Lake Minnetonka on one of Al and Alma’s many luxury yachts. Planning a corporate event or just wanting to sit down with the missus? With public and private cruise offerings ranging from 20 to 150 guests; Al and Alma’s options are sure to cater to your every possible need. Just stop by one of their three ports in Mound, Excelsior and Wayzata for any inquiries you may have.
Don’t want to get off the lake? You don’t have to. BSL Real Estate is capable of landing you that piece of paradise you’ve always dreamt of. Be it buying a home for the first time, building one, relocating, or seeking investment property, I am capable of finding the perfect property for the cheapest value available. For all your Minnetonka buying and selling questions, contact me on my cell at 651-216-9466, or my website,
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
To preview property in and around the lake that is currently available for sale check out and to preview rental property available through out the twin cities check out
Al and Alma’s Charter Boat Tours
Don’t want to get off the lake? You don’t have to. BSL Real Estate is capable of landing you that piece of paradise you’ve always dreamt of. Be it buying a home for the first time, building one, relocating, or seeking investment property, I am capable of finding the perfect property for the cheapest value available. For all your Minnetonka buying and selling questions, contact me on my cell at 651-216-9466, or my website,
All the best,
Travis Senenfelder
To preview property in and around the lake that is currently available for sale check out and to preview rental property available through out the twin cities check out
Al and Alma’s Charter Boat Tours
Get Local and Support Some Natural Eats
In an age of processed and preserved, we tend to lose sight of Mother Nature’s intended purity. Well fear not, fellow Minnesotans, for there is sanctuary among the canned chaos. From May through October, the Excelsior farmers’ market is here to provide you with all your fresh produce needs. Held downtown Excelsior in Lyman Park, right next to Lake Minnetonka, across the street from the 318 Café and down the street from Biella Italian Restaurant, vendors of all sorts come out every Thursday between the hours of 2-6 to offer homegrown goodies to the public. Fresh cut flowers, fruits, herbs, and seasonal ornaments are just several of the many items offered.
So come on over to downtown Excelsior and share a slice of watermelon with your favorite realtor, Travis Senenfelder, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate, a Lake Minnetonka Real Estate specialist who is located at 440 2nd St., Excelsior, MN 55331 and who can be reached at 651.216.9466.
To preview property in and around the lake that is currently available for sale check out and to preview rental property available through out the twin cities check out
Excelsior Farmers Market
Lyman Park on Water Street
Downtown Excelsior
So come on over to downtown Excelsior and share a slice of watermelon with your favorite realtor, Travis Senenfelder, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate, a Lake Minnetonka Real Estate specialist who is located at 440 2nd St., Excelsior, MN 55331 and who can be reached at 651.216.9466.
To preview property in and around the lake that is currently available for sale check out and to preview rental property available through out the twin cities check out
Excelsior Farmers Market
Lyman Park on Water Street
Downtown Excelsior
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